Dr. Brownsyne Tucker Edmonds is a nationally and internationally renowned physician and health services researcher at IU School of Medicine. She is a tenured professor and RO1-funded investigator, nationally and internationally recognized for her work in health disparities, shared decision-making, and periviable care. In 2021, she became the inaugural Chief Health Equity Officer for IU Health. She had previously served as an Assistant Dean for Diversity Affairs at the School of Medicine, Vice Chair for Faculty Development and Diversity in the OBGYN department, and co-Director of workforce development for the IN CTSI. She led advocacy and policy efforts for Indiana ACOG for a decade and then served as the Section Chair. Nationally she has served on ACOG's committees on Ethics, Government Affairs, and Care of Underserved Women. She is an ELUM of the Executive Leadership in Academic Medicine Fellowship and a 2021-2024 National Academy of Medicine Emerging Leader in Health and Medicine Scholar Much of her motivation is driven by her goals to eliminate health disparities, advance social justice, and promote equitable access, experience, and outcomes in the care of the underserved populations.